Monday, December 15, 2008

Happy 1st Birthday AJ!

One year ago today I was nervously clinching Alex's hand in the delivery room as a flood of emotions came rushing in. When would I be able to hold him? What would he look like? Will he be healthy? Will he have blue eyes? Will he really be a he? What is motherhood like? Will Alex and I know what to do for him? Would he look like daddy? Would this epidural last until I delivered him? Man this epidural is fantastic!

So many questions were crowding my brain and before I knew it, it was time to push. After a few painless pushes (seriously, I couldn't feel a thing!) Alexander Joseph Turner, Jr. arrived at 12:07 pm screaming his head off. He was perfect. I held him tight and with tears streaming down, I knew he would change my life forever. He has changed my life and the past 365 days have been the greatest days God has given me on earth.

AJ has a sweet spirit. He loves to be held, cuddled, and kept close. His first word was "Yay!" and says it every time someone is cheering or clapping their hands. He goes crazy when watching The Price is Right! He loves to wave and say "Hi" in a soft, gentle voice. He loves the remote control and can spot it from a mile away. He can stand and take a couple of steps on his own but hasn't quite walked yet. When he wakes up, he will hold his arms up like he wants to be picked up from his crib and then he falls down and crawls away really quickly. He thinks it's hilarious. He loves the vacuum cleaner. He loves playing with water. Bath time brings him so much joy. He just stands at the edge of the bath while it's filling up, claps his hands, and screams "Yay! Yay! Yay!" He has a handsome smile and is a big flirt. AJ one of the happiest one-year-olds I have ever meet and melts my heart every day. I love you sweet son! Happy Birthday to you!

Here are some pictures from his birthday bash on Saturday

My mom and I created this masterpiece ;)


Alex, family, and friends had been slaving away at our backyard for the past month trying to complete it by AJ's birthday party. It was finished (concrete, curbing, sprinklers, sod...just not the plants) on Friday and we couldn't even utilize it because it was raining and freezing! Oh well...all 35 of us were cozy in our home.

Opening presents in his new rocking chair from Nana (actually it is an old rocking chair that Alex had when he was a boy!)

Devoring his cake...he LOVED it...almost as much as he loves his girlfriend Cailin (on right) :)

The Family


Popi and Mimi

Don't you think AJ looks like Alex? Those were taken on Alex's 1st birthday in Honduras. What cuties!


Jacob and Andrew said...

Spitting image!!! They look like the same baby!! We had so much fun!! Thanks so much for hosting such a wonderful party! We hope it was memorable!! Happy birthday AJ!!!

Carly said...

wow! he does look like alex! i never thought the resemblance was so strong until i saw these pics. great post. happy birthday to AJ! we go most of backyard, except for the plants, done... and we still haven't put the plants in! oops :)hope you get yours done sooner than we do!

Elizabeth said...

How is he one already? He is such a cutie Melissa... you must be proud.

Coalwell Family said...

Happy Bday AJ! Love the cake! And loved that he just picked the whole thing up : )

Tim and Debra said...

Yay! What a milestone. Happy Birthday AJ!

Two Cent Sparrow said...

What a great cake! Happy birthday A.J. He is the spitting image of Alex.

Your description of waiting for his birth made me tear up. What an amazing moment when Mom first meets son.

The Hamlin Family said...

OK...This post makes me sad. AJ is already one year old...and I haven't even met him yet!!! He looks like such a sweet little boy Melissa. I'm sure the party was a hit (great cake). If only we could find a way to SLOW things down. They grow up too fast. Oh, and hopefully we'll be able to meet up with each other sometime soon...if you are still heading up this way!!!

PS...Great Christmas Card. Your little family is adorable!!!

Anonymous said...

What a hunk your little AJ is! And WOW...your cake is very impressive, I love it! Happy (late) birthday AJ! And Happy New Years, Turners!
Kelly A :)