Thursday, August 23, 2007

What a feeling! (pic at 20 weeks)

I am 23 weeks along and just can't say enough about how much I love being pregnant. The little taps, kicks, turns, and pokes of my little guy brings so much joy to my heart. Every feeling is new and exciting. My tummy is definitely growing although I sometimes look in the mirror and think it's shrinking. But my pants are tighter and my maternity shirts are starting to fill out so that must mean it's growing. My runner's tummy has been put on hold but I would trade it any day for a baby in my womb. It's truly a miracle from God above. Thank you Jesus!


Jenny Schlenker said...

Jesus is more that good and loves to suprise us! You look radiant! I love you and miss you friend.

Seagers said...

Melissa. You look fabulous! Pregnancy is such an amazing feeling. Treasure every moment. I had a great pregnancy and loved it as well. Keep taking those pictures. I wish I had more now that I look back on it.

MacD Kids said...

You look so great! I wish I could squeeze that belly in person and feel AJ's kicks myself! Keep posting those pics! :-)