-He's 9 months, almost 17 pounds (5th percentile...not looking good for a lineman position...maybe he'll be the kicker), and 28 inches (40th percentile)
-He has 4 teeth
-Crawls super fast
-Loves to hang on mommy's legs...until I give in and pick him up
-Enjoys watching daddy's football team WIN!
-Smiles really big and has the cutest laugh (see post below)
A.J. is blonde! He is so cute...what are you going back to school for? It has been forever since we have seen you guys! Hope all is weel:)
well...not weel! oops:)
Melissa, Owen is only 6 1/2 months and weighs 20 lbs. and is 28 inches!!! My little guy is massive. AJ is so cute, I really want to meet him. Why are you back in school?? New job?
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