Monday, October 22, 2007

7 months

My belly keeps growing and growing. I would like for it to stop now but I know AJ has a few more pounds to put on before making his grand entrance. Sleeping is becoming more uncomfortable and my wardrobe is extremely boring. Walking has also become more challenging because of the Braxton Hicks that come and go and the shortness of breath that quickly arrises. Oh, and the wonderful horse names charlie makes his debut at least once a week while I am sleeping. Calf cramps are horrible! But...feeling and seeing him move around in my belly makes everything worth it. Only 2 months left and I can sleep normal again...ha!

My lovely shadow profile

My mom and I in front of the San Diego Natural History Museum. We went to see the Dead Sea Scrolls that are on display. It was very fascinating.

Home sweet home

It's almost done!


The Hamlin Family said...

Wow Melissa...What a cute little belly!!! And yes, I said little...for being 7 months along you look GREAT!!! Awesome pictures of your home, you and Alex, and your parents. December will be here before you know it!!!

The Hamlin Family said...

Just wanted to add...don't expect "sleep" when the baby comes...hahaha!!!

Seagers said...

I was thinking of you guys and your new home today as I was watching the (depressing) news. We will pray that the fire spares you. I know that God will 'heal our land' but it sure is unsettling.
As for the sleep, ditto on the Hamlin family comment. But, again, God gives you the strength to endure, plus you will have that wonderful baby looking up at you.