Tuesday, October 9, 2007

30 Weeks

I had a great appointment last week. After sitting through a torturous 3 hour glucose test, my results came back normal which means I don't have gestational diabetes. I can eat Halloween candy and pumpkin pie!!! Hooray #1. I also had an ultrasound to check out my placenta location and it has moved up to where it is supposed to be. My placenta was low during my last ultrasound and if it didn't move up, I would most likely have to have a c-section. Hooray #2. AJ is growing like he should be and he is looking more like his dad each day. (I think his face looks like Alex's...cute and round.) Hooray #3. Thank you Jesus!

1 comment:

Seagers said...

oh gosh girl. I had to do that 3 hour test too. Did you eat a banana before your one hour test? That is what my lab tech told me did me in! Praise the Lord you don't have to give yourself shots. The last 10 weeks fly by. Enjoy your hubby and alone time. Heehee