Thursday, July 24, 2008

Elation and desperation

Yesterday was a roller coaster.

I woke up to the most exciting text message from my sister. It read, "Jack proposed!!!!!!!" What? My crazy, socialite, baby sister is settling down? Has this day really arrived? Yup, Marci is getting married to a wonderful man named Jack. He made her a gourmet dinner, said some mushy gushy stuff, and plopped a GORGEOUS ring on her finger. Now I must get started on my speech because her wedding will be here in no time (fall 2009)!

I was on my tippy toes all day until my mom says, "AJ isn't acting like his normal self." She brought him to the beach while I coached my last lacrosse clinic and all he wanted to do was cuddle and sleep. He is a cuddler but this was extreme. When we got home I took his temperature and it read 103. Are you kidding? He was really hot but that seemed high. I immediately called my brother (pediatrician) and asked for advice. He didn't seem too worried and assured me that a fever meant his tiny body was working properly to fight off the bacteria or virus that crept in. But how could I not be worried? He was lifeless, burning up, and uncomfortable. I found myself in desperation on my face before the LORD. "Please heal my baby and take this pain from him. Bring him back to his smiley and energetic self." After a night of restless sleep, he woke feeling a little cooler and even cracking a few smiles. Thank you Jesus. He isn't back to normal yet but hopefully this is the beginning to a speedy recovery. As a parent, holding your ill child has got to be one of the most heart wrenching experiences ever. I just pray that they are few and far between.


Josh, Chrissie, Matthew & Kaylie said...

That's scary. I wonder what happened. I'm glad he's okay - we'll be praying for his speedy recovery!

Carly said...

oh poor AJ, and poor mom and dad. sick kids are the hardest parts of parenting for sure... glad to here is he feeling a little better. love the shot of alex with the spit up - nasty!!!